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About Applied Metrology Resouces

The NÅNO is the result of the combined experience and expertise of an engineering staff with over 150 years in flow computing. The device represents the culmination of 10 years development in application flexibility, refined rugged electronics and hardware standardization. No flow computing platform on the market today offers greater value or flexibility.

The NÅNO Flow Computer is supported by range of additional software tools and signal conditioners and is a complemented by the Remote Measurement Unit (RMU), a fiscal quality RTU as well as the Pico RMU, designed specifically for meter proving applications.

We also provide a design and optional manufacturing service for a range of companies operating in the energy sector. Our services are totally confidential, so although we would love to tell you where and for whom our designs are used, we won't!

Support & Training

All products are designed in-house, so we have the in-depth knowledge of every byte of software and every component in our extensive product range.

Tlephone, email and video chat are all supported, aided by the diagnostic facilities built into our products.

We can provide in-person training on the full range of products and their integration, either on-site or at our office.

to get in touch, see our contacts page.

Manufacturing Partner

We have found the perfect manufacturing partner in Norcott Technologies.

As well as offering full procurement, assembly, test, calibration and box build, Norcott have a highly capable engineering design team.

Norcott's Design for Manufacturing (DfM) process re-designe and cost reduced our original Gen1 NANO Flow Computer, boosting processor performance and increasing both the accuracy and MTBUY whilst improving long term product availability.

Norcott also performed the Gen3 re-design, incorporating our minor enhancements and again mitigating for component obsolescence.

Norcott are ISO9001:2015 compliant and in addition have Aerospace & Defense accreditation as well as Medical Devices certification.

for additional information on Norcott Technologies, see their website at www.norcott.co.uk.

With a single hardware platform that supports the full range of flow computation environments from gas through every liquid regime, the NÅNO provides the first flow computer capable of standardization across the spectrum of applications. With a bulit-in browser function and standardized menu driven setup, operation and reporting system that does not require any other software excepting a conventional browser (EDGE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.), the NÅNO is a highly capable and easy to use self contained system.