Simulation and Validation


The P560 NÅNOsim Is designed to exactly match all the field I/O of a NÅNO Flow Computer. There are nine Digital Input simulators, two pulse input simulators that can be combined into a Dual Pulse simulator, with selectable bad pulse operation. Pulses can be free running or a burst of an exact number for validation. Two additional programmable sources are provided for dual densitometer simulation. The six digital outputs and two pulse outputs have LEDs to indicate the status, as do both sets of Alarm relay contacts. All six Analog Inputs can be simulated, and fail conditions generated. There are five 4-20mA adjustable sources, with current readout and a 4-wire RTD. The two Analog outputs can drive a display showing the current from each output, and can also drive a PID simulator, which generates pulse frequencies. This highly flexible simulator is physically compact and ideal for both training and development purposes



The P570-DCV Dual Chronometry Validator unit produces highly stable and repeatable pulse stream and Sphere Switch simulation for flow computer validation. It can produce Prover Sphere Switch intervals from 10.00 pulses up to 50,000.99 in steps of 0.01 pulse for Dual Chronometry Validation to API standards, over a range of 1Hz to 12.5KHz. In addition it can simulate a densitometer, and the period input can be specified down to 1nS resolution. An Android Play store application is used for controlling the DCV.



The P571-FRS Frequency Reference Source is a laboratory grade frequency standard, Stratum 3E compliant and phase based calibration tool. As an ultra-stable (100 ppb ) frequency source it generates 20 MHz, 10 MHz, 1MHz, 100KHz and 10KHz) outputs and it has a input (around 1MHz or 10MHz) which is mixed to produce an audio feedback of the error, allowing very rapid calibration of other apparatus using phase measurement. A unit under test can be set to 0.1ppm within a few seconds.


The P544-LAR Laboratory grade Analog current & voltage Reference source utilizes a sub ppm/ °C heated reference as the voltage standard and Vishay Z-foil 0.05ppm/ °C precision resistors . The LAR provides high stability current (nominally 4mA, 12mA & 20mA) and voltage (nominally 1V, 3V & 5V) for calibration and calibration checking. Various stability and packaging options are available, contact engineering for more information.